Susanne Pavyluk

Environmental Threats

Increasing coal and oil ship traffic. This might be the most obvious to me because in recent years it is what our community has been loudest about. Increased ship traffic is problematic in the Salish Sea for a number of reasons. The few that stand out to me are noise impacts on the species living here, the increased probability of ships physically striking the endangered and many keystone species living here and the possibility of devastating spills which increases as traffic does.


I think that people will have to gain an understanding of the importance of this place to the many different kinds of people who call it home. I always hear people say that this is “a beautiful place to life” which is true but it is more than that. It’s a place with rich social, cultural and biological diversity. Approaching the unknown with respectful curiosity rather than confrontation may help everyone to be better stewards of the Salish Sea. 


Mindy Roberts


Ron Thom